“All you need to do is decide what to do with the time given to you.”
(“The Lord of the Rings,” Gandalf)
The synchronicities of life are powerful and worthy of more than a passing thought. Last night I watched the moon take control of the mighty Pacific Ocean, causing tides as low as some old timers in the area had ever seen. This low tide allowed us to walk out on the seabed, around grounded sailboats safely moored in water just hours before. We splashed in the mud awed by the ability to walk upon land that is normally covered by the sea. We carefully stepped around clams and listened to far off voices of others’ intrepid souls walking the sea floor. The experience stayed with me late into the night. I sat on the couch gazing out at the sea, contemplating, lost in that place were my thoughts had not yet reached my consciousness. The “Lord of the Rings” was softy playing in the background when I heard Gandalf, the wizard, saying, “All you need to do is decide what to do with the time given to you.” Now two seemly different experiences came together as one. My mind scrambled to hold both realities, the ocean bending to the power of the moon and my choice to decide what to do with the time given to me. As my mind whirled, I had forgotten to tend to the fire, inadvertently knocked the fireplace’s rod-iron tools together once I got up to do so. A low resonance “dong” rang throughout the room. It was as if I was being told to “pay attention.” This all meant something. It was as if I was being told to put meaning and significance to what was happening in that exact moment.
So I looked around and opened my heart and eyes. I saw for a moment through the eyes of my Soul. I looked around and really saw! The candles were burning; the moon was glowing expansive in her power; the sea was fluid and flexible; my commitment to Champion Love powerful and loving in my heart; and a fire burning. What did I want to do with this unveiling? What did I conscientiously chose to do with the gift of life? My choice—just this: to be surrounded in love and beauty, to be conscious and grateful, to be alive and feel it in every fiber of my being. Tonight, that is my choice.